Contribute to the Leaderboard Blog with Community Posts
Calling all writers and golfers. Get your golf story, opinion, or article featured on Leaderboard.

What are community posts?
The Leaderboard app is a place for golf community, and we want our blog to be the same. Community posts offer an opportunity for golfers and writers to add their unique stories, opinions, analysis, and articles to the Leaderboard blog.
Anything from short stories to lists to fully researched articles and analysis can become a community post. Authors are fully credited and can link to their social media pages and other works around the web.
Why write a post for the Leaderboard Blog?
You have a unique golf story, hot take, or point of view to share
You want to let people know about something you're working on in the golf world
You just have a creative itch to scratch!
Plus, we send every contributor a Leaderboard swag package.
How do I submit a post?
Whether you have a question about what to write, a half-baked idea you want to discuss, or a fully written piece, email to get started.